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Little girl wearing a hat drinking a glass of water in the sunlight.
black android smartphone showing Tesla stock screen next to macbook pro.
Closeup of 100 dollar bill.
Black, red and yellow German flag against a blue sky.
smog reductions increase warming
Credit: keso s/Flickr

Pollution from China's smog cleanup leads to unexpected ocean warming

Recent research reveals that China's air pollution cleanups have inadvertently contributed to extreme heat waves in the Pacific Ocean.

Fred Pearce reports for Yale Environment 360.

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Colorado faces intense lobbying over new air quality bills aimed at reducing smog

Colorado faces intense lobbying over new air quality bills aimed at reducing smog

A contentious battle unfolds as lobbyists from various sectors clash over a legislative package designed to tackle Colorado's smog issues through stricter air pollution controls.

Joe Wertz reports for Colorado Public Radio.

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south asia toxic smog
Credit: Jim Fruchterman/Flickr

Bangladesh capital most polluted as toxic smog engulfs South Asian cities

Capitals of India and Bangladesh see thick layers of toxic smog, ‘very poor’ air quality as normal lives are affected.
industrial pollution

Supreme Court to review EPA’s power to curb downwind pollution

The Supreme Court on Wednesday said that it will review the Biden administration’s plan to limit smog-forming pollutants from power plants and other industrial facilities that cause problems for their downwind neighbors in other states.

office window
Photo by Matt Hoffman on Unsplash

Why indoor air pollution can be just as deadly as wildfire smoke and coal plant smog

Household air pollution is a hidden source of death and illness and climate change seems to be making it worse.

jakarta toxic smog cocktail

Coal power, traffic, waste burning a toxic smog cocktail in Indonesia's Jakarta

Pollution is causing respiratory illnesses and deaths to rise in Indonesia's island of Java, including the capital, Jakarta.
Lawn equipment spews air pollution

Report: Lawn equipment spews ‘shocking’ amount of air pollution

“Really inefficient engine technology is pound for pound more polluting than cars and trucks.”