site c dam

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oilsands & hydro threaten Wood Buffalo National Park

‘This has to stop’: oilsands, hydro dams continue to threaten Canada’s largest national park

The United Nations has given Canada three years to address threats to Wood Buffalo National Park and avoid the World Heritage in Danger list. The decision follows a petition from the Mikisew Cree, who say the beleaguered park is essential for their cultural survival.

Site C dam BC hydro

BC Hydro apologizes for $128-million Site C dam data error

Undisclosed employees quietly handed out $558 million in direct-award contracts, including $92 million to SNC Lavalin, new information shows.

BC Hydro Site C dam no-bid contracts
Jason Woodhead/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowed

BC Hydro secretly handed out $430 million in Site C contracts

Beleaguered engineering firm SNC-Lavalin was among the big winners of no-bid contracts for the over-budget hydro project on B.C.’s Peace River, according to documents obtained by The Narwhal.

BC Hydro’s Site C lawsuit

BC Hydro’s Site C lawsuit targets farmers, First Nations

The suit brought against peaceful opponents of the most expensive hydro dam in Canadian history has the hallmarks of a strategic lawsuit meant to silence and intimidate critics, according to experts.

BC Hydro, Site C contractor charged over discharge into Peace River

BC Hydro, Site C contractor charged over discharge into Peace River

Four million litres of potentially contaminated water was discharged into the fish-bearing river. The incident was not reported ‘in a timely manner,’ according to BC Hydro’s latest Site C dam report.

Site C construction will destroy irreplaceable wetlands
The Narwhal Canada/FlickrEmma Gilchrist, DeSmog Canada

Site C construction will destroy irreplaceable wetlands

BC Hydro is moving forward with plans to drain and log a rare wetland in the Peace River valley as part of dam construction this fall and winter.

West Moberly First Nations Site C damage

Reconciliation with a ‘heavy heart’

BC says a deal with the West Moberly First Nations over Site C damage shows reconciliation in action. The nations’ Chief disagrees.