sierra club

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plastic PVC pipes
A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.
LNG exports linked to deaths and rising health costs, report finds

LNG exports linked to deaths and rising health costs, report finds

A new report from Greenpeace and Sierra Club reveals that liquefied natural gas exports in the U.S. cause around 60 premature deaths and nearly $1 billion in annual health costs, with numbers expected to rise significantly if planned terminals are built.

Dharna Noor reports for The Guardian.

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east texas coal power energy pollution
Image by Benita Welter from Pixabay

EPA settles Texas suit, agrees to decide on pollution plan in East Texas

Noah Alcala Bach writes in the Texas Tribune about the EPA's settlement of a a lawsuit the Sierra Club brought over pollution from an East Texas coal-burning power plant. The agreement requires the EPA to weigh in on the state’s plan to improve air quality in Rusk and Panola counties.

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emanuel cleaver missouri regional haze

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver wants the federal government to throw out Missouri’s regional haze plan

Congressional representatives from St. Louis and Kansas City and environmental groups argue the state’s plan doesn’t make meaningful attempts to reduce the pollution that causes haze.
nature conservancy funding green groups

Some big green groups drawing more foundation money than all environmental justice groups combined

Foundations have given more money to individual green groups, including the Sierra Club, the Environmental Defense Fund, and The Nature Conservancy, than to every U.S. environmental justice group put together, according to a new analysis.

malthusians & planetary carrying capacity

Alex Trembath, Vijaya Ramachandran: The Malthusians are back

Climate activists who worry that the world has too many people are joining an ugly tradition.
arizona state climate politics

Water, climate change top legislative issues for Sierra Club, activists

Environmental advocates will take their legislative priority list to the capitol Tuesday, lobbying lawmakers to act on water, climate and land.
Coal-fired power plant in New Jersey to be imploded for clean power

Coal-fired power plant in New Jersey to be imploded for clean power

A former coal-fired power plant in New Jersey will be imploded Friday, and its owners are expected to announce plans for a new clean energy venture on the site.