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Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
global plastic pollution treaty
Biden's top climate advisor visits China to push for stronger emission cuts
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
Lawmakers investigate potential shale collusion affecting federal land leases

Lawmakers investigate potential shale collusion affecting federal land leases

A group of Democratic lawmakers is investigating if shale oil companies colluded to manipulate oil prices, potentially affecting their federal land leases and operations.

Sharon Kelly reports for DeSmog.

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oil gas drilling rig crops
Drilling rig at the edge of an agricultural field (Credit: Pixabay)

How the Ukraine war gave fracking in the U.K. a second chance

Russia’s invasion has disrupted the global energy market and led to higher prices across Europe. That has reopened the debate in Britain over shale gas extraction.
As western oil giants cut production, state-owned companies step up

As western oil giants cut production, state-owned companies step up

In the Middle East, Africa and Latin America, government-owned energy companies are increasing oil and natural gas production as U.S. and European companies pare supply because of climate concerns.
Colonial Pipeline hack shows risk to US energy independence

Colonial Pipeline hack shows risk to US energy independence

The country relies less on foreign oil than it used to, but pipelines and grids are increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks and extreme weather.
energy independence colonial pipeline

Colonial Pipeline hack shows risk to US energy independence

The U.S. has come pretty close to energy independence in recent years thanks to a surge in domestic shale oil and natural gas production and the harnessing of solar and wind energy. That independence, however, is fragile.

As oil prices rise, executives aim to keep them high

As oil prices rise, executives aim to keep them high

An industry known for dramatic boom-bust cycles is resisting the temptation to pump more oil — for now.
exxon mobil energy emissions
Photo by Justin C on Unsplash

Exxon, under investor pressure, discloses emissions from burning its fuels

Exxon Mobil Corp, under increasing pressure from investors and climate change activists, reported for the first time the emissions that result when customers use its products such as gasoline and jet fuel.