sea level rise

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trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
Federal grant requirements overwhelm coastal tribes trying to adapt to climate change

Federal grant requirements overwhelm coastal tribes trying to adapt to climate change

Coastal tribes in the Northwest are struggling to secure federal grants essential for climate adaptation, often bogged down by excessive paperwork and misaligned funding priorities.

B. ‘Toastie’ Oaster reports for High Country News.

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Alexandria, Va., tackles sewage overflow with massive tunnel project

Alexandria, Va., tackles sewage overflow with massive tunnel project

A $615 million tunnel project in Alexandria, Virginia, is nearing completion, designed to address sewage overflows exacerbated by climate change.

Sarah Vogelsong reports for Inside Climate News.

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Boston and New York take different approaches to stormwater management

Boston and New York take different approaches to stormwater management

Boston and New York City are addressing increasing sewer overflows caused by climate change with contrasting strategies: Boston is separating stormwater from sewage, while New York is investing in green infrastructure.

Angelica Ang reports for Grist.

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Coastal erosion in the Outer Banks leads to more homes collapsing into the ocean

Coastal erosion in the Outer Banks leads to more homes collapsing into the ocean

A house in Rodanthe, North Carolina, collapsed into the ocean on Friday, highlighting the increasing threat of rising sea levels and erosion caused by climate change.

Kate Selig reports for The New York Times.

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Charleston battles frequent flooding as climate change worsens

Charleston battles frequent flooding as climate change worsens

Charleston, South Carolina, faces increasing flooding from storms like Tropical Storm Debby, highlighting the city's struggle with climate change's impact on coastal communities.

Ruby Mellen and Scott Dance report for The Washington Post.

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People are moving to risky areas despite climate dangers

People are moving to risky areas despite climate dangers

Despite growing climate threats, over 300,000 Americans relocated to flood or fire-prone areas last year, driven by affordability and housing availability in states like Florida and Texas.

Sarah Kaplan reports for The Washington Post.

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Antarctica midwinter heat wave
Credit: Pedro Szekely/Flickr

Antarctica experiences unprecedented midwinter heat wave

East Antarctica is experiencing a massive heat wave, with temperatures spiking 50 degrees above normal, highlighting the ongoing impacts of climate change on polar regions.

Kasha Patel reports for The Washington Post.

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