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North Dakota hydrogen hub seeks new partner after losing key project
Climate change hastens the deterioration of US bridges
Politicians and businesses meet in Namibia to discuss hydrogen's role in green energy
Indigenous fire practices show potential for wildfire resilience in California
climate threats to biodiversity

As climate shifts, species will need to relocate, and people may have to help them

Climate change is already affecting plants and animals worldwide and is a growing threat to biodiversity, adding a new layer to the existing challenges of habitat loss, invasive species, pollution, and overexploitation. A new study surveyed the recommendations of scientists for managing biodiversity in the face of climate change, providing a summary of practical guidance and identifying areas in need of further research.
Sensory impacts of global climate change: lays groundwork for further investigation of communication pathways in ocean

Sensory impacts of global climate change: lays groundwork for further investigation of communication pathways in ocean

Climate change affects not only the growth and survival of marine animals, but also their senses.

Colombia could lose 60% of land suitable for irrigated rice due to climate change

Colombia could lose 60% of land suitable for irrigated rice due to climate change

Without significant global reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, Colombia will have 60% less land suitable for rice production by the 2050s.

Marching for climate change may sway people's beliefs and actions

Marching for climate change may sway people's beliefs and actions

Americans have a long tradition of taking to the streets to protest or to advocate for things they believe in.

GRACE data contributes to understanding of climate change: Expanded investigation through 2021 to be highly dependent on TACC supercomputing systems

GRACE data contributes to understanding of climate change: Expanded investigation through 2021 to be highly dependent on TACC supercomputing systems

The team that led a twin satellite system launched in 2002 to take detailed measurements of the Earth, called the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), reports on the contributions that their nearly two decades of data have made to our understanding of global climate patterns.
Giant tortoises migrate unpredictably in the face of climate change

Giant tortoises migrate unpredictably in the face of climate change

Researchers use GPS to track the timing and patterns of giant tortoise migration over multiple years. The tortoises often take the same migration routes over many years in order to find optimal food quality and temperatures. The timing of this migration is essential for keeping their energy levels high, and climate change could disrupt a tortoise's ability to migrate at the right time.
Fate of meerkats tied to seasonal climate effects

Fate of meerkats tied to seasonal climate effects

Does a drier and hotter climate present a threat to the meerkats in the Kalahari Desert?