The saltwater is threatening drinking water supplies in the New Orleans metro area. And also fresh water supplies to petrochemical plants that aren't prepared for salt water.
The megadrought gripping the western states is only part of the problem. Alternative sources of water are also imperiled, and the nation’s food along with it.
Two new papers offer radically different predictions of the glacier's future — and thus for the future of low-lying cities around the world. Here's how to understand the divergent projections.
Researchers and innovators are looking at more resilient crops and farm animals — from heat-resistant wheat, to drought-resistant rice, to Naked Neck chickens that stay cooler.
The Biscayne Aquifer, a 4,000-mile sponge-like rock formation that filters and stores the region's clean groundwater, is being polluted by sewage runoff and other contaminants. Protecting it will cost billions.