
Top Tweets
Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
global plastic pollution treaty
Biden's top climate advisor visits China to push for stronger emission cuts
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
nord stream pipeline energy climate sabotage

Investigating the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage

As investigators piece together clues, Russia has quietly taken steps to begin expensive repairs on the giant gas pipeline, complicating theories about who was behind September’s sabotage.
poland pipeline spill russia

Poland sees no signs of interference in oil pipeline spill

The Polish operator of an oil pipeline says there are “no signs of any third-party interference” related to a leak in a pipeline that is the main source of crude oil from Russia to Germany.

Safety concerns overshadow Europe's first new gas link in decades

Safety concerns overshadow Europe's first new gas link in decades

Natural gas is set to flow through a new undersea pipeline between Norway and Poland after suspected sabotage devastated the Nord Stream pipelines.
David Foreman, hard-line environmentalist, dies at 75

David Foreman, hard-line environmentalist, dies at 75

As a co-founder of the group Earth First!, he advocated slashing tires and downing power lines in an effort to return vast swaths of the country to their natural state.
Right-wing judges say it's "harmless" to label climate activist a terrorist

Right-wing judges say it's "harmless" to label climate activist a terrorist

A court upheld Jessica Reznicek’s excessive sentence for vandalism aimed at stopping the Dakota Access pipeline.
FBI chased imagined eco-activist enemies, documents reveal

FBI chased imagined eco-activist enemies, documents reveal

At the wind energy industry’s behest, the FBI and DHS gamed out attacks against targets that they acknowledged face no threat.