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Top Tweets
trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
climate activism europe fossil fuels

Young people go to European court to stop treaty that aids fossil fuel investors

Young victims of the climate crisis will on Tuesday launch legal action at Europe’s top human rights court against an energy treaty that protects fossil fuel investors.

windfarm united kingdom energy climate

UK's bid to power every home via offshore windfarms by 2030 at risk

Britain's bid to build enough offshore windfarms to power every home in the country by 2030 risks being derailed by outdated regulation which is slowing investment in the electricity grid, according to one of the industry's biggest players.

Subsidy-free renewable energy projects set to soar in UK, analysts say

Subsidy-free renewable energy projects set to soar in UK, analysts say

The UK is well on the way to a new era of subsidy-free renewable energy projects that will largely kill off prospects for new gas power stations, according to industry analysts.


Global energy giants forced to adapt to rise of renewables

Companies face world where falling cost of solar and wind power pushes down prices.

Global energy giants forced to adapt to rise of renewables

Companies face world where falling cost of solar and wind power pushes down prices.

Gas-fired plants to reap huge subsidies despite uncertain future

Gas-fired plants to reap huge subsidies despite uncertain future

Fossil fuel faces stiff competition from nuclear, renewables and European imports.