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Oil pipelines stretching into the distance
Liquid Natural Gas tanker
Coal miner holding a lump of coal
Man looking out of window with solar panel attached to building
One chemical plant emits a super-pollutant that does more climate damage than every car in the city

One chemical plant emits a super-pollutant that does more climate damage than every car in the city

A chemical plant in Louisville that makes a raw material for everything from Teflon to lubricants used on the International Space Station also appears to do more damage to the climate than all of this city's passenger vehicles.

John Hans Gilderbloom, Gregory D. Squires: When pollution and poverty meet coronavirus

John Hans Gilderbloom, Gregory D. Squires: When pollution and poverty meet coronavirus

The spread of COVID-19 into communities long suffering from environmental inequities could spell disaster for local residents, like in Louisville, Kentucky.