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wind turbines lined up in a green field
Palm trees bending in the wind
Coal power plant with emissions rising from towers
Liquid Natural Gas tanker
greenwashing climate advertising environment

Brand Watch: CDP’s 'A-list' of climate leaders a reminder of gap between ambition and action

Two United Nations summits in successive months – the first on climate change in Sharm el-Sheik, and the second on biodiversity in Montreal – means one thing: a blitz in corporate promises to address environmental threats.
climate solutions united kingdom

As climate change bites, it’s time for honest dialogue and bold solutions, say experts

While opinion polling in the UK suggests citizens are more worried about climate change following July’s heatwave, they’re not any more willing to make lifestyle changes (like buying an electric car or eating less red meat) to tackle climate change.

climate activism earnings

ESG Watch: Climate activist investors were sidelined this earnings season, but they’ll be back

Earnings season has ended and there is a sense among environmental campaigners that there has been a backward step in efforts to get companies to take more action on climate change.

climate action 100+ energy carbon

Catherine Howarth: ‘Money talks. So why aren’t high-carbon companies listening to Climate Action 100+?

Climate Action 100+ is the world’s largest investor engagement initiative on climate change, with 700 signatories managing $68 trillion in assets. If money talks, CA100+ has a megaphone without compare.
water scarcity climate drought

New study sounds alarm about risk of stranded assets due to water scarcity

For something that is so crucial to all aspects of life, including the most fundamental business operations, water risk is a blind spot for many investors and businesses.
suv pollution over-consumption ipcc climate

When it comes to cars, few are heeding the IPCC’s plea to curb consumption

Synonymous with the school run, and criticised for clogging urban streets, spewing pollution and contributing to a rise in deaths of pedestrians, many see SUVs as potent symbols of planet-destroying over-consumption.

labor movements climate activism

How employees are taking their companies to task over climate change

Employee activism is moving from the shadows into the mainstream. A new wave of consciousness, covering issues such as climate change and social inequality, is flowing through staff meetings and forums.