
Top Tweets
Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
Chevron agrees to a $550 million settlement with California city
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
The Army Corps and NYC criticized for ignoring local voices in climate resilience efforts
robot boat marine science

‘It’s ridiculously antiquated’: Could robot boats transform marine science?

No one has yet been able to sail an autonomous boat across the Atlantic, but a young couple in Wales hope their craft will revolutionise ocean monitoring of temperatures, wildlife and more.

climate icefin robot thwaites ice shelf

Skinny robot “Icefin” studies Antarctica's melting doomsday glacier

Scientists got their first up-close look at what’s eating away part of Antarctica’s Thwaites ice shelf, nicknamed the “doomsday glacier” because of its massive melt and sea rise potential, and it’s both good and bad news.

Arrival developing electric vehicles without assembly line

Arrival developing electric vehicles without assembly line

Arrival, a developer of electric vans and buses, says it has come up with a cheaper way to build vehicles in small factories. But can it deliver on that promise?
A growing presence on the farm: Robots

A growing presence on the farm: Robots

A new generation of autonomous robots is helping plant breeders shape the crops of tomorrow.
Cities of the future: How developers are working to reverse the health and climate impacts of urban sprawl

Cities of the future: How developers are working to reverse the health and climate impacts of urban sprawl

A National Geographic special issue looks at the way we've built cities in the past and how we will reverse the effects on the climate and our own health in the future.
Six years after Fukushima, robots finally find reactors’ melted uranium fuel

Six years after Fukushima, robots finally find reactors’ melted uranium fuel

The Japanese government and companies used radiation-hardened machines to search for the fuel that escaped the plant’s ruined reactors.