richard glick

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Trump EPA
digital genetic code biopiracy
Harris could prioritize stricter climate policies if elected
A 1960s effort to ban gas-powered cars offers lessons for today
Biden loses a key climate ally

Biden loses a key climate ally

President Joe Biden has made combating the climate emergency a major focus of his agenda. Yet a crucial agency for realizing his clean energy future is losing its like-minded leader.

FERC's murky leadership future could derail U.S. climate goals

FERC's murky leadership future could derail U.S. climate goals

Chair Richard Glick has spent the past two years pushing the adoption of policies he advocated as a minority voice on the commission.
FERC chair backs 'transmission monitor' for grid build-out

FERC chair backs 'transmission monitor' for grid build-out

FERC Chair Richard Glick said an “independent transmission monitor” could be beneficial as the commission seeks to improve the process for building regional power lines seen as vital for transitioning away from fossil fuels.

Biden's most effective climate warrior faces potential doom in the Senate

Biden's most effective climate warrior faces potential doom in the Senate

The head of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Richard Glick, may see his efforts to put climate change at the forefront of federal energy policy cost him his job.
In climate push, federal reviews to nudge new infrastructure projects toward clean energy

In climate push, federal reviews to nudge new infrastructure projects toward clean energy

Federal energy regulators are working to consider greenhouse gas emissions and environmental justice concerns when approving new infrastructure like oil and gas pipelines, while easing barriers to renewables and energy storage.

In wake of climate change, energy sector scrambles to adjust

In wake of climate change, energy sector scrambles to adjust

New York's recently signed Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, designed to eventually eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from the state's economy, has been hailed by environmentalists as a milestone in the fight against climate change.