
Top Tweets
trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
climate migration skews census
Credit: Loco Steve/Flickr

A broken census can’t keep up with climate migration in Louisiana

Four years after back-to-back hurricanes slammed Lake Charles, Louisiana, the city is still grappling with the long-term impact of population loss, complicating its recovery and future political representation.

Zoya Teirstein reports for Grist.

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digital genetic code biopiracy
Credit: Kandukuru Nagarjun/Flickr

Global South demands fairness in genetic data sharing amid growing biopiracy concerns

In a world where digital genetic information is becoming a billion-dollar business, countries rich in biodiversity are demanding their fair share of the profits.

Patrick Greenfield reports for The Guardian.

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national forest policy debate

Forest policy debates could shape, but not shift, national forest management

As November’s election approaches, the battle over how we manage national forests heats up, but the day-to-day work in these forests is likely to stay on course.

Marc Heller reports for E&E News.

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hurricane katrina evacuees resettlement

Houston’s struggle to help Katrina evacuees stands as cautionary tale

After Hurricane Katrina, Houston’s initial warm embrace of 200,000 evacuees turned cold as racial tensions and media-driven fears about crime escalated.

Jake Bittle reports for Grist.

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Ecoacoustics evaluate soil health
Credit: Colin/Flickr

Healthy soil may be easier to detect by sound than by sight

Ever thought about listening to the soil under your feet? New research reveals that the sounds of soil-dwelling critters can indicate the health of the land, offering a new way to monitor and restore ecosystems.

Ayurella Horn-Muller reports for Grist.

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forest climate migration and adaptation

Helping trees migrate north might be essential for their survival

As climate change pushes species northward, trees are struggling to keep up, and some ecologists suggest human intervention might be the only way to save them.

Phoebe Weston reports for The Guardian.

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kamala harris climate action

Harris could redefine climate leadership in 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris' entry into the presidential race has ignited hope among environmentalists that her administration could push climate action further than President Biden’s, particularly by holding Big Oil accountable and addressing historic injustices.

Marianne Lavelle reports for Inside Climate News.

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