renewable fuel standard

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Haley debates DeSantis Iowa ethanol

Haley attacks DeSantis over ethanol at biofuels summit

Nikki Haley criticized Ron DeSantis' attempts to end a federal ethanol mandate that DeSantis said he now supports.
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How corn ethanol for biofuel fed climate change

How corn ethanol for biofuel fed climate change

The Renewable Fuel Standard promised to pay farmers to fight climate change and boost U.S. energy independence. A new five-year study of its impact on land use suggests that it did neither—even while it fueled fertilizer use and water pollution.

Soaring prices fuel long-running push by Pa. officials to roll back ethanol mandate

Rising compliance costs for a federal renewable fuel program threatens economic growth and could lead to supply constraints on jet fuel, the head of the Pittsburgh Airport Area Chamber of Commerce warned the Biden administration in a letter last month.

Midwest biofuel farmers fight Biden’s electric-vehicle push

Midwest farmers look to plow through Biden’s electric-vehicle push

Corn growers are demanding biofuels be key in Biden's in climate plans. But the president's focused on electric vehicles.
Biden administration biofuel ethanol policy

Biden administrations supports court's restrictions for biofuel exemptions

The Biden administration announced on Monday that it supports limits set by a court last year on when small oil refineries can get exemptions from a requirement to blend a certain amount of biofuels such as ethanol into their product.
Oil and gas industry, leaning on Pittsburgh region, punches back against fracking ban in messaging campaign

Oil and gas industry, leaning on Pittsburgh region, punches back against fracking ban in messaging campaign

The American Petroleum Institute used a glitzy platform in Washington to push back against calls for a ban on fracking and petrochemicals.