remote work

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Remote work and its climate implications explored

Remote work and its climate implications explored

Mandates to return to office settings clash with corporate environmental goals, as remote work proves beneficial for reducing carbon emissions.

Kate Yoder reports for Grist.

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office buildings empty
Photo by kate.sade on Unsplash

Are half-empty offices wasting energy?

Are half-empty offices wasting energy powering all of their mechanical systems? Data shows that the answer is no.

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Digital nomads seek sun, sea, sustainability as remote work booms
Photo by Peggy Anke on Unsplash

Digital nomads seek sun, sea, sustainability as remote work booms

'Slomads' are considering climate change as they mix work with travel in an eco-conscious manner to reduce their carbon footprint.

remote work climate

What work from home means for the climate and house prices

It’s not just another perk in a benefits package — remote work could fundamentally reshape the urban geography of the United States.

Working from home for some threatens mass transit for all

Working from home for some threatens mass transit for all

Ridership rates remain low in major U.S. cities, threatening the viability of public transit. 
Is telecommuting really greener? It depends

Is telecommuting really greener? It depends

Telecommuting can save energy and reduce emissions — unless it doesn’t. A new tool can help companies measure workplace carbon emissions, and figure out if going remote is easier on the planet.  
silicon valley climate impacts

Climate change will reshape Silicon Valley as we know it

The next entrepreneurial revolution will arise to combat the crisis of our lifetime.