raul grijalva

Top Tweets
Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
global plastic pollution treaty
Biden's top climate advisor visits China to push for stronger emission cuts
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
‘Sleazy backroom deal’: Progressives tangle one more time with Manchin

‘Sleazy backroom deal’: Progressives tangle one more time with Manchin

He forced their party-line agenda to downsize. Now House liberals are digging in against his permitting deal. But most say it's about the climate — not retribution.
House Democrats probe PR industry's role in advertising for Big Oil

House Democrats probe PR industry's role in advertising for Big Oil

Two House Democrats are pressing public relations and advertising firms on their work to improve the environmental images of fossil fuel companies, despite their role in the climate crisis.

Democrats push to overhaul mining law, citing clean energy

Democrats push to overhaul mining law, citing clean energy

Prominent congressional Democrats are pushing to update the nation's 150-year-old mining law, as President Biden seeks to spur the production of critical minerals used in electric vehicle batteries and other green technologies.
climate justice environment
Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

With climate bill stalled, Democrats push EJ agenda

House Natural Resources Chair Raúl Grijalva's “Environmental Justice for All Act,” H.R. 2021, would require federal agencies to consider community health impacts during permitting decisions; codify into law the federal government’s existing environmental justice initiatives; and impose new fees on oil, gas and coal companies to fund local transitions away from fossil fuel economies.

Trump’s move of Bureau of Land Management HQ undercut diversity, watchdog finds

Trump’s move of Bureau of Land Management HQ undercut diversity, watchdog finds

Trump’s Bureau of Land Management headquarters move reduced the number of Black employees in the agency while creating mass vacancies, a new Government Accountability Office report says.
Op-ed:  Biden's climate plan can work if it's sea to shining sea

Op-ed:  Biden's climate plan can work if it's sea to shining sea

Ocean protection remains one of the few areas where bipartisanship is still possible.
joe biden climate opinion

David Helvarg and Jason Scorse: Biden's climate plan can work if it's sea to shining sea

Ocean protection remains one of the few areas where bipartisanship is still possible.