
Top Tweets
global plastic pollution treaty
Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
Chevron agrees to a $550 million settlement with California city
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
Advocates to Allegheny County: housing health overhaul not done

Advocates to Allegheny County: housing health overhaul not done

18 groups have petitioned the Health Department to create a Housing Advisory Committee to work toward improvement of regulations they say are now "bare minimum standards."
In permafrost thaw, scientists seek to understand radon risk

In permafrost thaw, scientists seek to understand radon risk

The cancer-causing gas is colorless, odorless and tasteless, making it an invisible threat to homes built on permafrost.
Are Canadian uranium workers still more likely to die from lung cancer?

Are Canadian uranium workers still more likely to die from lung cancer?

A study by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is examining health data from 80,000 people who have worked in Canada’s uranium mines, mills and processing and fabrication facilities.

Here are some EPA programs that Scott Pruitt’s $900,000 taxpayer-funded expenses could pay for .

Scott Pruitt wants to cut waste at the EPA. Here's what he could save by cutting his own expenses.

Here are some EPA programs that Scott Pruitt’s $900,000 taxpayer-funded expenses could pay for

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On Capitol Hill, EPA chief gets an earful about Trump’s ‘downright offensive’ budget plan.

Democratic and Republican lawmakers alike pushed back at the administration's proposed cuts at the agency.

Another trip to Capitol Hill for Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, another reminder that lawmakers from both parties have no intention of approving the deep cuts President Trump is seeking at the agency.

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A beleaguered EPA has become ground zero in Trump's war on science.

Few federal agencies would entirely escape the meat cleaver in President Trump’s proposed budget, but none is facing more devastating cuts than the Environmental Protection Agency.

Few federal agencies would entirely escape the meat cleaver in President Trump’s proposed budget, but none is facing more devastating cuts than the Environmental Protection Agency.

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There's finally a dollar amount attached to how much Trump hates the EPA.

The Trump proposal is not going to survive congressional appropriations intact, but the numbers are instructive about where the administration's true priorities lie.

President Donald Trump reserves a special level of antipathy for the Environmental Protection Agency. He campaigned on eliminating the EPA "in almost every form," and his budget director, Mick Mulvaney, declared that its climate change programs "waste your money." But his full budget wish list released Tuesday actually assigns a dollar value to his promises. In it, the EPA faces the steepest cut of any agency or department across the government, a 31.4 percent reduction to its $5.7 billion budget, its lowest level in 40 years.

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