president trump

Top Tweets
trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
The ‘infodemic’ of COVID-19 misinformation, explained

The ‘infodemic’ of COVID-19 misinformation, explained

False information about the pandemic is rampant, but seasoned defenders of climate science can offer tips for how to fight it.
Trump’s auto rollback will eliminate 13,500 jobs

Trump’s auto rollback will eliminate 13,500 jobs

According to the administration’s own math, the pollution rules could eliminate jobs, discourage driving, and inflict billions in damage.
Goldman Sachs is fighting climate change. Is the UN?

Goldman Sachs is fighting climate change. Is the UN?

Bankers on Wall Street brought the best news for the climate this week. What’s even happening?
We worked for the NOAA. Political appointees can’t overrule scientists

We worked for the NOAA. Political appointees can’t overrule scientists

Weather forecasting should never be political.
Peter Dykstra: Icebreaker

Peter Dykstra: Icebreaker

Long frozen out of presidential politics, CNN's seven-hour climate marathon may make global warming cool again.

The liberal watchdog group Media Matters for America tallied 142 minutes of climate news coverage on the nightly network newscasts and Sunday political talk shows in 2018.

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Trump stays fixated on his Alabama error as hurricane pounds the Carolinas

Trump stays fixated on his Alabama error as hurricane pounds the Carolinas

For a fourth straight day, Trump’s White House sought to clean up the president’s mistaken warnings to Alabama, releasing statements, disseminating alternative hurricane maps and attacking the media.