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Top Tweets
Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
Chevron agrees to a $550 million settlement with California city
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
The Army Corps and NYC criticized for ignoring local voices in climate resilience efforts
fossil fuel climate change
Photo by Gene Gallin on Unsplash

Evolution and Climate Change Through the Lens of Power

We can exchange polluting technologies and processes for more benign ones, but as long as population and total consumption levels continue to grow, we are locked into a paradigm that's utterly at odds with nature's limits and balances. Resources will deplete, wastes will accumulate, and other species will be crowded out of existence.

PODCAST: Band-Aid Town

PODCAST: Band-Aid Town

Band-Aid Town, returns to the premise of the show: the absolute batsh*t-crazy (lack of) response to the enormous, urgent challenges of the climate emergency, the energy transition, an economic system that's destroying the prospects of a viable planet, and the growing racial and wealth divide.

When we look at the crisis rationally, the only logical response is to declare a climate emergency

When we look at the crisis rationally, the only logical response is to declare a climate emergency

People engaged in the climate debate are often bewildered by society's lack of response. How can we ignore such overwhelming evidence of an existential threat to social and economic stability?

VIDEO: Energy, money and technology – From the lens of the superorganism

VIDEO: Energy, money and technology – From the lens of the superorganism

During Nate Hagens' #WEP2018 keynote, he discussed how all of our lives will be influenced by how we react to the coming era of harder to extract and more costly fossil fuels that will be combined with cleaner but less concentrated energy types.

PODCAST: Heinberg interview on HEAL Utah

PODCAST: Heinberg interview on HEAL Utah

Richard Heinberg talks with Matt Pacenza on the HEAL Utah podcast about peak oil, a once popular theory about diminishing fossil fuel reserves which he believes will again soon rear its head, despite recent market trends.

AUDIO: Solar and wind in Vermont with David Blittersdorf of All Earth Renewables

AUDIO: Solar and wind in Vermont with David Blittersdorf of All Earth Renewables

David Blittersdorf's passion for renewable energy and earth-friendly technology started early.