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pacific northwest heat climate

Pacific Northwest engulfed by ‘dangerous’ heat

A major heat wave settling over the Pacific Northwest will bring several days of potentially record-breaking triple-digit temperatures this week, echoing a deadly heat wave that tormented the region last summer.

Can Portland be a climate leader without reducing driving?

Can Portland be a climate leader without reducing driving?

The city famous for its bike lanes is struggling to cut car pollution. Now Portland faces a major battle over whether to keep expanding highways.
Climate change enters the therapy room

Climate change enters the therapy room

Ten years ago, psychologists proposed that a wide range of people would suffer anxiety and grief over climate. Skepticism about that idea is gone.
Hidden toll of the Northwest heat wave: hundreds of extra deaths
Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash

Hidden toll of the Northwest heat wave: hundreds of extra deaths

As another heat wave builds in the U.S. Northwest, a New York Times analysis has found that recent scorching temperatures in the area may have been more lethal than officially reported.
How weird is the heat in Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver? Off the charts

How weird is the heat in Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver? Off the charts

The heat smothering the Pacific Northwest has little precedent in four decades of record-keeping.
Michael E. Mann and Susan Joy Hassol climate heat

Michael E. Mann and Susan Joy Hassol: Climate change is behind heat dome

In the old days, we could escape the summer heat by heading north - to the Adirondacks in the East or to the cool, forested Pacific Northwest in the West. But this is not your grandparents' climate.