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Houston petrochemicals Exxon
Landscape with green trees, grass, and tundra in the distance
Melting Arctic permafrost could unleash dangerous new pathogens
Soil salinity threatens global food security, warns UN report
North Dakota's diverse environmental views revealed in statewide poll

North Dakota's diverse environmental views revealed in statewide poll

A recent poll in North Dakota shows a wide range of opinions on climate change, carbon capture, and electric vehicles, reflecting the state's varied environmental perspectives.

Jeff Beach reports for North Dakota Monitor.

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Biden’s support of Willow angers young voters
Socialist Appeal/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowed

For many young voters, Biden’s support of drilling in Alaska casts pall

Despite his aggressive moves to try to slash greenhouse gas emissions, President Biden has angered young climate voters upset by a drilling project in Alaska.
Dutch pro-farmer party sweeps elections

Dutch pro-farmer party sweeps elections, upsetting the status quo

The surprise victory is widely seen as a protest vote against Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s government and some of his policies, including a goal to slash nitrogen emissions, which many say will imperil farming operations.
David Wallace-Wells: peak climate alarmism
Matt Hrkac/Flickr

David Wallace-Wells: Is peak climate alarmism behind us?

Why the world’s most prominent climate radicals are rebooting.
boston climate poll energy solutions

Here's how readers think Boston should tackle climate change

From mandated composting to improved public transit, this is how readers think climate change can be addressed locally.

Dacid Wallace-Wells: In compromise, the Climate Left may be vindicated

Dacid Wallace-Wells: In compromise, the Climate Left may be vindicated

The Manchin-Schumer bill may well prove inadequate. It also represents a generational achievement.
climate conversations

Here’s a secret about your neighbors

Many of us avoid talking about climate change because it feels so controversial. In fact, research shows that your neighbors are probably thinking about it, too.