U.S. utilities say Biden plan to cut C02 hinges on breakthroughs
The U.S. power industry would struggle to meet presidential hopeful Joe Biden's proposed mandate that it become carbon neutral by 2035 without some big breakthroughs in clean energy technology.
EU draft plan targets free carbon credit cut for most industries
Most industries covered by the European Union's carbon market would see free credits cut by the highest possible rate over the next five years under draft plans, potentially costing some of the biggest polluters millions of euros.
Winter sea ice in Bering Sea reached lowest levels in millennia: Study
The Bering Sea ice cover during the winters of 2018 and 2019 hit new lows not seen in thousands of years, scientists say, adding to concerns about the accelerating impact of climate change in the Arctic.
Extinction Rebellion urges returning UK lawmakers to take climate action
Extinction Rebellion to target London's 'institutions of power' in new protests
Climate activists will target Britain's parliament and other institutions of power next week when it restarts large-scale protests for the first time since the COVID-19 outbreak.