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​Pennsylvania resident testifies in front of the Pennsylvania Environmental Quality Board
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Webinar: Science and policy for energy and infrastructure justice

Webinar: Science and policy for energy and infrastructure justice

This Oct. 22 webinar will bring together three current fellows of the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice program.

rural kentucky flood protection bias
Credit: The National Guard/Flickr

Rural Kentuckians left out of federal flood protection efforts

The federal government’s flood risk assessment tool overlooks rural areas like Eastern Kentucky, leaving communities unprotected and underfunded after devastating floods.

Claire Carlson and Elizabeth Miller report for Climate Central and the Daily Yonder.

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Opinion: Kamala Harris has significantly influenced the climate policy agenda

Opinion: Kamala Harris has significantly influenced the climate policy agenda

Kamala Harris has played a pivotal role in shaping the U.S. climate policy by advocating for and implementing progressive measures during her tenure as vice president.

Leah C Stokes writes for The Guardian.

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Biden’s oil policy leaves a lasting impact on public lands

Biden’s oil policy leaves a lasting impact on public lands

President Biden significantly reduced oil lease sales on federal lands, causing long-term effects on drilling despite not stopping it entirely.

Heather Richards reports for E&E News.

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TC Energy's secretive efforts to shape Canadian energy policies exposed

TC Energy's secretive efforts to shape Canadian energy policies exposed

Leaked recordings reveal TC Energy's strategies to influence North American governments and foster relationships with security officials to protect its fossil fuel interests.

Matt Simmons reports for The Narwhal.

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US oil trade group challenges Biden administration's EV mandate in court

US oil trade group challenges Biden administration's EV mandate in court

The American Petroleum Institute has filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration's new tailpipe emission rules, arguing they exceed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's authority and threaten the gas-powered car market.

Jarrett Renshaw reports for Reuters.

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Environmental policy reversals causing economic instability
Credit: Mimzy/Pixabay

Environmental policy reversals causing economic instability

U.S. faces rapid policy changes with each administration, impacting environmental regulations and economic stability.

Coral Davenport reports for The New York Times.

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