Nepal announced tiger numbers are up within the country’s borders. Across Asia, there are as many as 5,500 tigers, a 40 percent jump from a 2015 assessment.
An endangered gem of lush greenery in Abidjan, Ivory Coast’s economic hub, is at the center of government efforts to promote ecotourism. Those who live and work there worry about what it means for them.
As prolonged drought plagues the Horn of Africa, some people perceive animals as a threat to scarce resources, while other communities rally to protect the creatures.
A special task force of park rangers has spent the last six years patrolling some of the hardest-to-reach parts of the Maya Biosphere Reserve in northern Guatemala.
Every year, a group of scientists and conservation practitioners led by William Sutherland, professor of conservation biology at the University of Cambridge, creates and publishes a “horizon scan” of global trends with impacts for biodiversity.