Impacts Platypuses increasingly threatened, scientists say Photos of the egg-laying mammals and the researchers working to conserve them underscore the growing challenges the animals face.
Impacts The return of the platypuses Rescued from Australia’s fires, a small fleet of wild platypuses is launched back into their wetland home and into an uncertain future.
Impacts The plight of the platypus Habitat loss, predation by feral cats, and now wildfires wrought by climate change — how long can the world’s strangest mammal survive?
Impacts Climate change threatens platypus extinction, study finds One of Australia’s most-loved mammals, the platypus, is being pushed towards the “brink of extinction” by climate threats and habitat destruction, researchers say.
Newsletter Australia's wildfires will create big problems for fresh water When huge quantities of ash wash into rivers, dams, and eventually the sea, they will likely pollute water supplies and kill aquatic wildlife.