plastic production

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global plastics treaty negotiations
Credit: Boyce Duprey/Flickr

Production cap is crucial to global treaty on plastic pollution, study suggests

Future models on plastic pollution suggest limiting the world's annual plastic production is necessary to mitigate its environmental impact.

Costas Velis writes for The Conversation.

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plastic bottles

Plastic industry's emissions threaten global carbon limits

By mid-century, emissions from plastic production are set to triple, significantly impacting the global carbon budget, a new report suggests.

Dharna Noor reports for The Guardian.

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Carbon credits for nitrous oxide reductions
BigStock Photo ID: 354697679
Copyright: VectorMine

A US non-profit aims to reduce emissions of a super climate pollutant from chemical plants in China

Carbon credits for nitrous oxide reductions could fill a key gap in international agreements and government regulations. A former industry insider says it’s a “reward for bad behavior.”

Can Josh Shapiro regulate fracking as governor?

Can Josh Shapiro regulate fracking as governor?

Tough talk on fracking suggests potential new regulations, but support for a hydrogen hub and a divided legislature could fuel more drilling.
corporate pledges to reduce plastic pollution greenwashing
Ivan Radic/Flickr

Big companies’ pledges to reduce plastic pollution aren’t working, shows study

Corporate pledges to lower plastic pollution are not translating into lower plastic pollution, according to a new study: they're foccussed on recycling.
Shell ethane cracker in western Pa
Mark Dixon/Flickr

An ethane cracker in western Pa. will soon start up. We answered your questions about it

Reader questions helped focus our attention on the new reality of western Pennsylvania as a petrochemicals hub.
Microplastics are in our bodies. How much do they harm us?

Microplastics are in our bodies. How much do they harm us?

The science is unsettled, but researchers say there is cause for concern.