plastic pollution

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steelmaking with plastic fuel coal replacement
Credit: miraclemoments/BigStock

Biden’s push for plastic as a coal replacement sparks environmental backlash

A Pennsylvania company’s plan to turn plastic waste into fuel for steelmaking, backed by a $182.6 million federal loan guarantee, is drawing sharp criticism from environmentalists who say the project is anything but green.

James Bruggers reports for Inside Climate News.

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plastics recycling industry greenwashing
Credit: Sarah/Flickr

EPA shuts down deceptive recycling claims in plastics industry

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has cracked down on the plastics industry’s use of misleading accounting methods to inflate recycled content claims, marking a significant federal move to curb greenwashing in product labeling.

Lisa Song reports for ProPublica.

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environmental justice

LISTEN: Timnit Kefela on treating plastic pollution as an environmental justice issue

“I’m optimistic we can get this right.”

Dr. Timnit Kefela joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss the the specific ways microplastics harm urban communities and some of her tips for reducing plastic use and exposure.

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Houston plastic recycling
Credit: ~jar{}/Flickr

Houston’s plan for plastic recycling faces major hurdles and fire hazards

The ambitious Houston Recycling Collaboration, aimed at addressing plastic waste, is stalling as unprocessed plastic piles up at a site with multiple fire code violations and no state approval.

James Bruggers reports for Inside Climate News and CBS News.

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joe biden
Credit: The White House

Biden administration unveils plan to wean US government off single-use plastics

“Because of its purchasing power … the Federal Government has the potential to significantly impact the supply of these products.”

The U.S. government will stop using single-use plastics in all federal operations by 2035, according to a strategy released by the Biden administration on Friday.

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chemical recycling
Credit: Sandy Field

Chemical recycling has an economic and environmental injustice problem: Report

“It wouldn’t even make a dent in the amount of plastic pollution out there.”

PITTSBURGH — Chemical recycling projects are unlikely to generate local economic benefits or help reduce global plastic pollution, according to a new report.

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microplastics damage seagrass
Credit: Guido and Carrara family/Flickr

Seagrasses aren’t the solution to ocean plastic pollution

Recent findings debunk the optimistic view that Mediterranean seagrasses can effectively combat marine plastic pollution, revealing more harm than help.

Sean Mowbray reports for Hakai Magazine.

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