plant based

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Harris could prioritize stricter climate policies if elected
A 1960s effort to ban gas-powered cars offers lessons for today
Why calling food ‘vegan’ isn’t helping people eat less meat

Why calling food ‘vegan’ isn’t helping people eat less meat

What’s one way to get Americans to eat more fruit and vegetables instead of meat? For starters, don’t use the word “vegan.”

meat and dairy climate water drought

Why aren't more people swapping meat & dairy for plant-based alternatives?

Higher beef prices are becoming a reality for meat eaters in the US as ranchers are reducing their cattle herds due to drought and lofty feed costs. Can plant-based substitutes take the place of a juicy beef burger?

climate solutions vegetarian food meat

Eating less food from animal sources is key to reducing the risk of wildlife-origin diseases and global warming

Infectious diseases originating in wild animals are high and may be increasing. This is a sign that ecosystem degradation is undermining the planet’s capacity to sustain human wellbeing.
The Plant Based Foods Association releases labeling standards

The Plant Based Foods Association releases labeling standards

The meat industry has been trying to get laws passed forbidding plant-based meat from using meat-like words in their packaging. Now the Plant Based Food Association is proposing its own set of standards.

KFC is going to sell plant-based fried chicken

KFC is going to sell plant-based fried chicken

First comes a test at one Atlanta location. But then you might be able to get fried Beyond Chicken in buckets nationwide. Will you be able to tell the difference?
The Impossible Burger will hit grocery stores in September

The Impossible Burger will hit grocery stores in September

The faux meat has cleared a regulatory hurdle and now will be available to cook in your kitchen.