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trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
desantis climate trump politics energy

Ron DeSantis is the same old Republican on climate issues

DeSantis represents a new, more reasonable-seeming climate candidate—but the denial is still there.
Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’ is in trouble, new data shows

Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’ is in trouble, new data shows

Glaciers all over Antarctica are in trouble as ice there rapidly melts. There’s no Antarctic glacier whose fate is more consequential for our future than the Thwaites Glacier, and new research in Science Advances shows that things aren’t looking good.
The Great Lakes, North America’s greatest resource, faces many threats

The Great Lakes, North America’s greatest resource, faces many threats

The Great Lakes helped make the U.S. an economic powerhouse. Now climate change, pollution, and invasive species threaten their complex ecosystems.
ice sheets climate politics

Ginny Catania: Melting ice sheets show need for US government action now

In my Earth course at The University of Texas at Austin, we talk about the scientific, psychological, political, and economic decisions that have led to our current climate crisis. In the course's multiple discussions, the most frequent question I get from my students is, "Why is the government not acting on climate change?"

Portland Public Schools launches climate change-focused curriculum, with PGE grant

Portland Public Schools launches climate change-focused curriculum, with PGE grant

The protests, the walk-outs and the persistence over climate change is paying off for Portland students.

Annapolis, east coast's ground zero for sea-level rise, has a plan to fight climate change

Annapolis, east coast's ground zero for sea-level rise, has a plan to fight climate change

Now in the face of climate change and a seemingly rapid increase in sea level rise, Annapolis officials have a plan to stay dry.

Climate change can be reversed, DiCaprio's 'Ice on Fire' claims

Climate change can be reversed, DiCaprio's 'Ice on Fire' claims

"We don't need advanced technology, Mother Nature has seaweeds and shellfish which sequester five times more carbon than land-based plants," said Bren Smith, winching a glistening haul of glossy brown kelp out of the sea.