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Columns of the Supreme Court, looking out.
Sign on the EPA building saying United States Environmental Protection Agency
Family gathered around the table at Christmas.
man holding his hands on open book that appears to be a bible
plastic pollution scrimshaw art
Credit: https://www.facebook.com/DukeRiley/

Plastic pollution depicted in modern scrimshaw at New Bedford Whaling Museum

Artist Duke Riley transforms ocean plastic into modern scrimshaw, highlighting industrial pollution in a new exhibit at the New Bedford Whaling Museum.

Ben Berke reports for The Public's Radio.

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secret life of plastic
BigStock Photo ID: 459640975
Copyright: New Africa
Available for extended license use

The secret life of plastic

What happens to our trash once we’ve done our duty and tossed it into the right bin?
Pennsylvania PCB contamination

Chemical companies to pay Pennsylvania $100 million for PCB contamination

The Monsanto Company, Solutia INC., and Pharmacia LLC manufactured products containing the toxic chemicals, which damaged waterways and other natural resources across Pa., according to the state.
Antarctic research stations pollution

Antarctic research stations polluted a pristine wilderness

Historical bad practices have left a legacy of pollution in the fragile ecosystem of Antarctica, but efforts are underway to chart a better future.

How plastics are poisoning us
BigStock Photo ID: 476208333
Copyright: Svetlozar Hristov
Available for extended license use

How plastics are poisoning us

Plastics release and attract toxic chemicals, and appear everywhere from human placentas to chasms thirty-six thousand feet beneath the sea. Will we ever be rid of them? Elizabeth Kolbert writes for The New Yorker

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Chesapeake Bay cleanup stalls

Chesapeake Bay cleanup stalls as blue crabs drop and pollutants remain

A new report on the Chesapeake Bay gave the watershed a score of 32 out of 100, finding little overall progress in reclaiming its waters.

NC Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights Office

EPA administrator comes home to deliver important announcement

With Warren County as his backdrop, the N.C. native introduced the new Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights Office.