particulate pollution

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Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
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European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
Wildfire smoke disrupts anesthesia
Credit: Chad Davis/Flickr

Wildfire smoke can disrupt anesthesia and surgery outcomes

Researchers warn that wildfire smoke, filled with harmful pollutants, may interfere with anesthesia and worsen surgical outcomes, especially for children and sensitive groups.

Sharon Udasin reports for The Hill.

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Air pollution kills nearly 2,000 children daily worldwide: Study
Credit: Hornbeam Arts/Flickr

Air pollution kills nearly 2,000 children daily worldwide: Study

A recent study reveals that air pollution is now the second leading cause of death among children under five globally, overtaking poor sanitation and lack of clean water.

Fiona Harvey reports for The Guardian.

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smog reductions increase warming
Credit: keso s/Flickr

Pollution from China's smog cleanup leads to unexpected ocean warming

Recent research reveals that China's air pollution cleanups have inadvertently contributed to extreme heat waves in the Pacific Ocean.

Fred Pearce reports for Yale Environment 360.

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air pollution global health
Credit: phil1401/Flickr

Politicians in Belgium urged to strengthen low emission zones

The Mutualités Libres insurance group and other experts advocate for enhanced clean air measures to counteract the dangers of air pollution.

Gary Fuller reports for The Guardian.

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tar sands oilseeds air pollution
Credit: Jason Woodhead/Flickr

Canada’s tar sands are a much larger source of air pollution than previously thought, study says

The research, published in Science, found the oil operations are releasing vast quantities of compounds that can cause localized air pollution and form damaging particles that can travel across the continent.
wood-burning health impacts
Credit: Rich M/Flickr

The health cost of burning wood to warm homes

Experts say wood-burning is not cheaper or truly renewable and constitutes a major health risk.

toxic air engulfs New Delhi

Masks are back, construction banned and schools shut as toxic air engulfs New Delhi

Masks are back on the New Delhi streets as residents grapple with the annual surge in air pollution that has engulfed the Indian capital region.