pacific ocean

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Graphic of a bank with  columns and a dollar sign on the top.
White NOAA research ship travelling on the water during daytime
Logging operations with downed trees and logging equipment.
Wind turbines on green field under white sky during daytime.
beach ocean sunset trees rocks
Photo by Shadman Sakib on Unsplash

As the North Atlantic sizzles with "utterly unbelievable" temperatures, the Pacific is now heating up too

Both air and sea surface temperatures have hit new records in June — and with El Niño, it will likely get even warmer.
el nino climate impacts heatwaves
Big Stock Photo

What we now know about the 2023 El Niño

El Niño is the warm phase of the Pacific Ocean’s temperature cycle, and this year’s El Niño is poised to be a big one, sending shock waves into weather patterns around the world.

climate change reshapes California coast
BigStock Photo ID: 430218898
Copyright: NFL1
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California’s cliffs are crumbling as climate change reshapes the coast

Planners always knew choices would have to be made whether to keep building along the edge of the Pacific. They just didn't think it would happen so quickly.
ocean acidification & bleaching

Bleaching, it’s not just for corals

Giant clams suffer similar struggles with warming water, though the consequences don’t seem quite as dire.
Kotzebue Alaska cyanobacteria blooms
Joseph/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowed

The foul chartreuse sea

Researchers in Kotzebue, Alaska, are investigating why their town is increasingly playing host to harmful cyanobacteria.
Dungeness crab monitoring project
Oregon State University/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowed

Shining the light on baby crabs

In British Columbia, a monitoring project with light traps may illuminate the future of the prized crustaceans.
el nino southern oscillation climate
Photo by cody reed on Unsplash

A mystery in the Pacific is complicating climate projections

The El Niño-Southern Oscillation, which has a huge influence on global weather patterns, isn't behaving as computer models predicted. That's puzzling scientists.