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Australian prime minister's approval rating slumps as bushfires rage

Australian prime minister's approval rating slumps as bushfires rage

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison's approval rating has declined sharply in the face of horrendous bushfires that have killed 28 people and destroyed 2,000 homes, a closely watched poll showed on Monday.

Dynamic and dangerous: Australia braces for another day of wildfires as temperatures flare

Dynamic and dangerous: Australia braces for another day of wildfires as temperatures flare

Authorities warned of extreme fire dangers in several parts of Australia on Friday as scorching heat and erratic winds are expected to fan deadly bushfires burning across the country, and likely spark new ones.

'Desperate' low-lying Vanuatu seeks to sue climate change culprits

'Desperate' low-lying Vanuatu seeks to sue climate change culprits

Low-lying Vanuatu is considering suing fossil fuel companies and industrialized countries that use them for their role in creating catastrophic climate change, the foreign minister of the Pacific island nation said on Thursday.

Australia's drought could produce a corker vintage

Australia's drought could produce a corker vintage

If Australia's big dry has a silver lining, it'll be worth cellaring, according to vintners, who are scrambling to irrigate vines while preparing for a smaller but sweeter vintage.
Australia weakens commitment to climate accord after government fractures

Australia weakens commitment to climate accord after government fractures

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Monday stripped requirements for reducing greenhouse emissions from his centerpiece energy policy in the face of political opposition, although the country remains a signatory to the Paris Agreement.
Australia announces extra $140 million aid package for drought-hit farmers

Australia announces extra $140 million aid package for drought-hit farmers

Australia on Sunday announced a A$190 million ($140.56 million) aid package for drought-afflicted farmers as much of east coast suffers the worst dry spell in living memory.