ozone layer

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Photo by NASA on Unsplash

The upper atmosphere is cooling, prompting new climate concerns

A new study reaffirming that global climate change is human-made also found the upper atmosphere is cooling dramatically because of rising CO2 levels. Scientists are worried about the effect this cooling could have on orbiting satellites, the ozone layer, and Earth’s weather.
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ozone layer climate solutions

The ozone layer’s recovery is good news for climate change, too

Scientists say strides in shrinking the “ozone hole” offer a path forward on global warming.
Here's what a nuclear war would do to the planet, say scientists

Here's what a nuclear war would do to the planet, say scientists

According to two studies, nuclear weapons could also pose a huge environmental threat.
Smoke from Australian wildfires thinned ozone layer, study finds

Smoke from Australian wildfires thinned ozone layer, study finds

Smoke from bushfires that spread across Australia in late 2019 and early 2020 destroyed high-altitude ozone in the Southern Hemisphere, according to a study that offers new insight into the threat posed by wildfires.

black summer climate bushfires

Smoke from Black Summer bushfires depleted ozone layer, study finds

Smoke injected high into the atmosphere by the 2019-2020 Australian bushfires resulted in a depletion of the ozone layer, new research has found.

Hydrofluorocarbons are global warming super-culprits. The Senate should eliminate them

Hydrofluorocarbons are global warming super-culprits. The Senate should eliminate them

President Biden submitted Tuesday an obscure international treaty to the Senate. It's a big deal.