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Harris could prioritize stricter climate policies if elected
A 1960s effort to ban gas-powered cars offers lessons for today
Colorado faces persistent ozone pollution despite climate efforts

Colorado faces persistent ozone pollution despite climate efforts

A combination of wildfires, climate change and geography contributes to frequent ozone pollution in Colorado's Front Range, causing health concerns despite emission reduction efforts.

Sharon Udasin reports for The Hill.

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Drilling in Permian Basin linked to high ozone levels in New Mexico park

Drilling in Permian Basin linked to high ozone levels in New Mexico park

Oil and gas drilling in the Permian Basin is causing excessive ozone pollution at Carlsbad Caverns National Park, a new study reveals.

Sharon Udasin reports for The Hill.

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Countries have successfully reduced harmful atmospheric gases

Countries have successfully reduced harmful atmospheric gases

Researchers have detected a significant decrease in hydrochlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere, marking progress in global efforts to protect the ozone layer and mitigate climate change.

Sarah Kaplan reports for The Washington Post.

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colorado oil derrick

Colorado's move against ozone pollution

Colorado's latest regulations to curb ozone pollution from the oil and gas industry are drawing mixed reactions, with some praising the effort and others arguing it falls short.

-Noelle Phillips reports for The Denver Post.

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toxic air engulfs New Delhi

Masks are back, construction banned and schools shut as toxic air engulfs New Delhi

Masks are back on the New Delhi streets as residents grapple with the annual surge in air pollution that has engulfed the Indian capital region.
montreal skyline

Flaw in Montreal Protocol allows U.S. facilities to pollute

Maxine Joselow reports for TheWashington Post about a loophole in the Montreal Protocol that has led U.S. factories to emit gases that damage the ozone layer and contribute to climate change.

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chemical factory

Watchdog finds a US chemical plant isn’t reporting emissions of climate super-pollutants and ozone-depleting substances to federal regulators

Fenceline monitoring by the Environmental Investigation Agency furthers the call to close industry loopholes under an international environmental agreement.