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Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
global plastic pollution treaty
Biden's top climate advisor visits China to push for stronger emission cuts
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
Thom Krystofiak climate opinion warren buffet
Photo by Maxim Hopman on Unsplash

Thom Krystofiak: Warren Buffett misses the point on climate change

Isn’t there a point where a corporation and its investors have amassed so much wealth that they should be able to recognize there are other goals besides money that desperately need to be pursued?

oil and gas new mexico climate

Oil and gas land sale nets $79M amid New Mexico climate concerns

A contentious auction of public land to the oil and gas industry brought in about $78.8 million to the federal government this week, amid outcry from New Mexico environmental groups calling for a halt on using the lands for fossil fuel drilling.

brooklyn bridge park nyc skyline
Photo by Martijn Vonk on Unsplash

NYC sinking: Buildings, sea levels threaten New York, study says

The pressure from New York City’s massive buildings and skyscrapers is making the city more vulnerable to sink lower into the ocean, according to new research.

arnold schwarzenegger climate opinion
Photo by Vista Wei on Unsplash

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Environmentalists are delaying green energy revolution

It’s time for environmentalists to wake up to our reality, to adapt – and to build. We can no longer allow red tape to hold back our green revolution.
Climate change shrinking birds in North and South America, study says

Climate change shrinking birds in North and South America, study says

Birds in both North and South America are getting smaller as the planet warms, and the smallest-bodied species are changing the fastest, a study reported Monday.

permian basin oil gas pollution energy

Here's what we know about New Mexico's oil and gas pollution inquiries

Violations of state air pollution rules have been reported throughout southeast New Mexico’s Permian Basin according to a database published by the state’s Environment Department detailing active and resolved cases.