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plastic PVC pipes
A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.
palm oil environment rainforests

Palm oil is actually not that bad for the environment (anymore)

Palm oil once destroyed orangutan-filled rainforests in Southeast Asia. Now, the industry is cleaning up its act.
As Amazon smolders, Indonesia fires choke the other side of the world

As Amazon smolders, Indonesia fires choke the other side of the world

Thousands of fires, most of them set to clear land for plantations that make palm oil, created thick clouds of smoke that disrupted air travel and sickened people.
We need to talk about palm oil

We need to talk about palm oil

We eat it, clean our homes and bodies with it and even fuel our cars with it.

Palm oil: Are your beauty products killing orangutans?

Palm oil: Are your beauty products killing orangutans?

A new study says that alternatives to palm oil could make matters worse for endangered species.
Illegal logging persists in Borneo orangutan habitat despite government ban

Illegal logging persists in Borneo orangutan habitat despite government ban

At least six illegal logging camps have sprung up in a peat forest in Indonesian Borneo that the government had declared off-limits last year, a Greenpeace investigation has revealed.

Typo derails landmark ruling against Indonesian palm oil firm guilty of burning peatland

Typo derails landmark ruling against Indonesian palm oil firm guilty of burning peatland

A landmark Indonesian case that saw an oil palm company fined millions of dollars for burning carbon-rich peatlands has effectively been derailed by a district court on the basis of a simple typo.