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Seafood testing project aims to safeguard Indigenous food traditions
Texas debates over new oil and gas waste rule heat up
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Prince Charles speaking at the 2015 United Nation Climate Change Conference - COP21 (Paris, Le Bourget)
Credit: flickr - Arnaud Bouissou

Peter Dykstra: Does climate action need a king?

Tradition could silence Charles III’s passionate voice on climate change. But should it?

So let’s figure this out: The Prince of Wales, historically passionate and outspoken about climate change, biodiversity and ocean issues, is supposed to clam up just as he rises to maximum visibility and influence?

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electric cars and mining of rare minerals

Peter Dykstra: Forty years of “just around the corner”

And now that electric vehicles may really be ready, a few new things to think about.

We’re seeing some big signs that electric vehicles (EV) may be ending their decades-long tease.

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Ruth Greenspan Bell: Wealth and the climate dilemma
Credit: Andrew Martin from Pixabay

Ruth Greenspan Bell: Wealth and the climate dilemma

Developing countries that increase their fossil fuel production are at a crossroads: securing their own long-term well-being or earning revenue to finance programs to support immediate economic growth.

Irony abounds as we close out a summer that brought the death of the climate truthteller, scientist James Lovelock, along with news that more countries in Africa and South America have decided to exploit, aggressively, their fossil fuel production – protected areas and former promises be damned.

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Jenna Cramer: Pittsburgh's climate change achievements

Jenna Cramer: Pittsburgh's climate change achievements

This September, Pittsburgh will welcome delegates from around the world for the Global Clean Energy Action Forum focused on accelerating the world’s transition to clean energy.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Solar heats up in Western Pa.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Solar heats up in Western Pa.

State and local governments should streamline this encouraging development, allowing solar panels on sub-prime farmland while continuing to preserve the most fertile farmland for strictly agricultural use.

Jacquelyn Bonomo and Larry J. Schweiger: Pa. must stop coddling coal industry and transition to clean energy

Jacquelyn Bonomo and Larry J. Schweiger: Pa. must stop coddling coal industry and transition to clean energy

American taxpayers annually provide, at minimum, $4 billion in direct subsidies to coal. These policies result in trillions of dollars in damages.
Harry Hochheiser:Clean our air, protect our climate

Harry Hochheiser:Clean our air, protect our climate

Effective legislation can help solve this problem.