oil tankers

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Russian oil tankers battle sea-ice

A month after they set out on Arctic voyage, two Russian oil tankers still battle with sea-ice

The ships that are loaded with more than 200,000 tons of oil might have been surprised by ice pack in the East Siberian Sea.
early Arctic freeze threatens northern sea route

A critical situation might be in the making on the Northern Sea Route

An early freeze has taken shippers by surprise and a big number of vessels are in danger of getting stuck in thick sea-ice.
Oil tanker traffic could endanger Indigenous way of life

Oil tanker traffic could endanger Indigenous way of life

While most protests against the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion are happening on the land, the federal government has recognized that some of the project's greatest risks concern potentially catastrophic spills on the water.

Israel oil spill corrupts Mediterranean's marine ecosystem

Israel oil spill: How did it happen and what will we do going forward?

The oil spill event will continue to corrupt the Mediterranean's natural marine ecosystem for many years to come.

record shipping on Northern Sea Route

Shipping on Northern Sea Route breaks record

More than 32 million tons of goods has been shipped on the Russian Arctic route in 2020.
Pandemic offers scientists chance to ‘hear’ oceans without man-made noise

Pandemic offers scientists chance to ‘hear’ oceans without man-made noise

Last month, scientists cobbled together an array of 130 underwater hydrophone listening stations around the world to learn how marine animals are doing.