oil palms

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Remnant forests struggle to survive amid oil palm plantations

Remnant forests struggle to survive amid oil palm plantations, study shows

Most forest trees that persist in areas dominated by oil palm plantations die before they can mature, a new study shows.

Indonesian journalists critical of illegal palm plantation found dead

Indonesian journalists critical of illegal palm plantation found dead

Press and environmental activists agree that the murders heighten concerns about the state of the free press and activism in the country.

Indonesian minister draws fire for denial of transboundary haze problem

Indonesian minister draws fire for denial of transboundary haze problem

Indonesia's environment minister continues to deny that fires in the country are sending toxic haze to neighboring Malaysia and Singapore.

New report reveals northern Ecuadorian region has lost 61 percent of forests

New report reveals northern Ecuadorian region has lost 61 percent of forests

Threats include industrial oil palm plantations as well as legal and illegal logging and mining.

Panamanian indigenous people act to protect the forest from invading loggers

Panamanian indigenous people act to protect the forest from invading loggers

The Darién Gap between Panama and Colombia is undergoing steady deforestation as timber colonists and oil palm entrepreneurs advance across the region, bringing strife and violence to the area's indigenous residents.

Are corrupt politicians behind Peru′s palm oil plantations?

Are corrupt politicians behind Peru′s palm oil plantations?

In recent years, Peru's sprawling jungle has been cleared for palm oil and cocoa plantations. Conservationists say the land is controlled by private companies who acquired it through corrupt means.