
Top Tweets
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
Insurers leave Maui wildfire survivors in unsafe homes, families say
Seafood testing project aims to safeguard Indigenous food traditions
Texas debates over new oil and gas waste rule heat up
Humans may start mining the deep sea despite limited knowledge

Humans may start mining the deep sea despite limited knowledge

A new leader at the International Seabed Authority could pave the way for deep-sea mining, raising concerns about its environmental impact.

Gautama Mehta reports for Grist.

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Oceans under threat from heating, deoxygenation, and acidification

Oceans under threat from heating, deoxygenation, and acidification

The world's oceans are experiencing unprecedented stress from extreme heat, oxygen loss, and acidification due to human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation.

Oliver Milman reports for The Guardian.

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Ocean temperatures hit record levels, impacting marine life
Credit: Pexels/Pixabay

Ocean temperatures hit record levels, impacting marine life

The world's oceans have set daily temperature records throughout the past year due to climate change.

Matt McGrath, Mark Poynting, and Justin Rowlatt report for BBC News.

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Credit: Jacques Dijon/RCI Guadeloupe

From poisoning to skin diseases: multiple effects of sargassum on health

Sargassum health problems plague Caribbean French islands despite millions spent.

This is a republishing collaboration with Centro de Periodismo Investigativo, where this originally published. See the full series, Caribbean People at Risk from Sargassum Invasion.

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Foto por Jacques Dijon | RCI Guadeloupe

Desde intoxicaciones hasta enfermedades de la piel: múltiples los efectos del sargazo en la salud

Los problemas de salud relacionados con el sargazo afectan a las islas francesas del Caribe a pesar de los millones invertidos en atender la amenaza.

Este artículo fue publicado originalmente por el Centro de Periodismo Investigativo. Hace parte de la serie de reportajes "Caribeños en riesgo por la invasión del sargazo".

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New methods aim to enhance the ocean's ability to capture carbon dioxide

New methods aim to enhance the ocean's ability to capture carbon dioxide

Researchers and startups are developing innovative marine carbon dioxide removal techniques to increase the ocean's carbon absorption capabilities. However, doubts about its potential impacts remain.

Andrew S. Lewis reports for Yale Environment 360.

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Credit: Gladys Serrano/El País

After 13 years, no end in sight for Caribbean sargassum invasion

Thousands of people were hurt by sargassum blooms last year in the Caribbean.

This is a republishing collaboration with Centro de Periodismo Investigativo, where this originally published. See the full series, Caribbean People at Risk from Sargassum Invasion.

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