ocean temperatures

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ocean temperatures heat water
Image by Peter H from Pixabay

Ocean temperatures are hotter than ever. What does it mean for earth?

Brutal heat waves have baked the world this summer and they haven’t been contained to land. Earth’s oceans are the hottest they have been in modern history, by an unusually wide margin.

ocean temperatures climate weather
Photo by Sean Oulashin on Unsplash

How high ocean temperatures is affecting the weather

Ocean temperatures are at their highest average levels in 40 years, and it's having enormous effects on weather systems around the world.
How does climate change affect hurricanes?
Photo by Mario Caruso on Unsplash

How does climate change affect hurricanes?

Scientists are confident that the warming of the planet is changing the way storms behave. Here’s how.
climate solutions editorial

On climate action, New York must be faithful to its goals, but flexible in the means

It’s really happening. New York State’s Climate Action Plan became less of a plan and more of a reality when a draft roadmap was released early this year.

climate impacts global warming
Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

The world’ strongest ocean current is gaining speed due to global warming

The speeding up of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current could have wide-ranging consequences across the globe.

extreme marine heatwaves

More intense marine heatwaves are affecting life on land

In coastal cities, marine heatwaves in the adjacent ocean can cause the heat index, a measure of how hot it feels, to rise by several degrees.

’Sea snot’: A thick, viscous substance plagues Turkey’s Sea of Marmara

’Sea snot’: A thick, viscous substance plagues Turkey’s Sea of Marmara

Scientists say that the unpleasant-looking mucus isn’t a new phenomenon, but rising water temperatures caused by global warming may be making it worse.