A sad, historic day for New Yorkers who love snow As of Sunday, New York has broken the record for the latest first snowfall for a winter in the city’s record-keeping history, which stretches back to the era of President Ulysses S. Grant.
Politics Op-Ed: The GOP revolt against Trump Is more serious than you think It’s not going to be like 2016 or 2021.
Causes Photo by Kevin Schmid on Unsplash How bad is the Ukraine war for climate change? Russia’s brutal invasion may hasten the West’s clean-energy transition, but its short-term effects on the planet will be damaging. At COP26, hyperbole and inertia Are the world’s leaders talking a big game on climate because they want to take action, or because they don’t? What happens when all the bugs die? Bee ecologist Dave Goulson imagines a world without creeping things.
Newsletter COVID’s toll on coal clears the way for green recovery The pandemic has created an opening for durable emissions reductions if governments steer recovery in a green direction.
Impacts Global warming is melting our sense of time Climate change isn’t just a brutal form of time travel to both the future and pre-human past, it is discombobulating to our very sense of linear time.