
Top Tweets
Rising natural disasters overwhelm emergency responders
Floods once again devastate Pakistan, two years after 2022 disaster
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
container ship plastic nurdle spill
Credit: Júlio Gaspar Reis/Flickr

Battle to save Spain’s beaches and marine life as row intensifies over ‘plastic monster’ unleashed after container ship spill

An ecological disaster is unfolding on the beaches of north-west Spain as a billion plastic pellets lost overboard from a container ship begin washing ashore.
microplastics nanoplastics & nurdles
Credit: Paweł Wyszomirski/Greenpeace Polska/Flickr

The nurdle hunters: is combing UK beaches for tiny bits of plastic a waste of time?

More than 170 tons of plastic particles are floating in the world’s oceans – and millions of them wash up on our shores.

plastic pellet nurdle pollution
Credit: Sören Funk on Unsplash

Spain investigates contamination of Atlantic shore by countless plastic pellets spilled from ship

Countless tiny plastic pellets are washing up on the shores of northern Spain and local authorities have declared an environmental emergency after a shipping container fell off a transport vessel last month.
Pennsylvania plastics manufacturer lawsuit

Local environmental groups file federal lawsuit against plastics manufacturer in Monaca

Local environmental groups PennEnvironment and Three Rivers Waterkeeper filed a federal lawsuit against BVPV Styrenics for alleged violations of the Clean Water Act — a charge the company continues to dispute.

Single-use plastics manufacturing
Louis Vest/Flickr

Editorial: Single-use plastics manufacturing shouldn't be subsidized.

The possibility of toxic fumes and the certainty of more plastic pollution are among the reasons Lockport should not subsidize SRI CV, a plastics company, especially given New York's environmental agenda.
proposed plastics manufacturing Lockport NY

SRI CV Plastics seeks to reassure Lockport IDA over safety

The Indian plastics company that is seeking to open a manufacturing facility in Lockport sought on Thursday to overcome environmental opposition to the project by reassuring members of the Lockport Industrial Development Agency that the proposed plant's production would be safe.
Plastic nurdles pellet pollution

WATCH: Plastic nurdles

Elizabeth Cute, community engagement manager for Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper, discusses her group's opposition to a proposed new plastics plant in Lockport, including the potential for plastic pellets called "nurdles" to get into waterways and on shorelines as pollution.