nuclear reactors
Photo by Tyler Rutherford on Unsplash
Return to nuclear promises green electricity, but at what cost?
As more than $1 billion in public money is being committed to a new generation of reactors, critics are calling for a pause and a rethink, saying nuclear power’s cost overruns, construction delays and safety concerns outweigh its benefits as a provider of clean electricity.
Emmanuel Macron to begin U.S state visit, plug struggling French nuclear industry
As Europe turned away from Russian energy, the French nuclear industry missed its chance to demonstrate the promise President Emmanuel Macron has talked about.
Japan says it needs nuclear power. Can host towns ever trust it again?
The Ukraine war has shown the fragility of Japan’s energy supplies. But the decision to restart plants after the Fukushima disaster is fraught with emotions and political calculation.
Photo by Lukáš Lehotský on Unsplash
Tiny reactors could spark a 'nuclear revolution' to fight climate change
As the demand for energy rises, miniaturized nuclear power plants could be a climate-friendly new source. But some critics aren't so sure.
Photo by Clemens van Lay on Unsplash
What role for small nuclear modular reactors in combating climate change?
Does the potential of small nuclear modular reactor technology make it a viable approach to helping solve climate change challenges not fully met by renewable energy sources such as wind and solar?
Tackling dumped nuclear waste gets priority in Russia’s Arctic Council leadership
The reactors from the submarines K-11, K-19, and K-140, plus the entire submarine K-27 and spent uranium fuel from one of the old reactors of the Lenin-icebreaker have to be lifted from the seafloor and secured.
The oil industry is quietly winning local climate fights
In the past few years, the American Petroleum Institute and its allies have fought against climate-friendly policies in at least 16 different states.