northern spotted owl

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northern spotted owl extinction

Canada’s last wild spotted owl gets its day in court

Federal government is in court for ‘precedent-setting’ case over lack of urgency to prevent extinction of the spotted owl in Canada.

Core spotted owl habitat removed from BC maps

Core habitat for spotted owl removed from maps: internal docs

Federal scientists mapped core critical habitat for the endangered spotted owl. Almost half of it, including old-growth, disappeared during negotiations with the B.C. government, internal documents reveal.

B.C. logging old-growth spotted owl habitat

B.C. opens up old-growth spotted owl habitat to logging — again

The NDP government is touting efforts to save the critically endangered bird. But it continues to sanction logging in spotted owl habitat, prompting environmental groups to demand the federal government step in to save the species from extinction in Canada
Spotted owls could go extinct without more federal protection

Spotted owls could go extinct without more federal protection

The northern spotted owl has lost 70 percent of its habitat to development and timber harvesting and could go extinct without added federal protection, the Trump administration announced Monday. But the owls won't get it.

old growth clear-cut logging endangering spotted owl

Canada’s last breeding pair of endangered spotted owls found in valley slated for imminent logging

The federal government is legally obliged to respond to an Ecojustice petition calling for an emergency order to stop logging in the Spuzzum Valley, where two endangered chicks hatched this year.

B.C. stalls on promise to enact endangered species law

B.C. stalls on promise to enact endangered species law

The province is home to more species at risk than any other and is one of only three provinces that lacks stand-alone legislation to protect endangered species.