northeastern states

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Babesiosis tick-borne disease

Babesiosis, a tick-borne disease, is on the rise in the northeast, C.D.C. reports

Babesiosis, which can cause flulike symptoms, could be spreading because of rising temperatures and the growing deer population.
Price of diesel, which powers the economy, is still climbing

Price of diesel, which powers the economy, is still climbing

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is one reason that the fuel is scarce. Another is a series of yearslong, intertwined events that cover the globe.
climate heat impacts global warming health

When the heat can’t be beat

This miserable summer — monthlong heat waves, record-breaking floods, no more Choco Tacos — has left many Americans with only one option: surrender.
Justin Gillis: Would you pay higher gas prices to slow the climate crisis?

Justin Gillis: Would you pay higher gas prices to slow the climate crisis?

Governors in Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States are pondering that question.
Eastern states introduce a plan to cap tailpipe pollution

Eastern states introduce a plan to cap tailpipe pollution

Twelve states and the District of Columbia released a draft plan for an ambitious cap-and-trade program to curb planet-warming emissions on the region’s roads.
Is the ‘heat day’ the new snow day?

Is the ‘heat day’ the new snow day?

With no air conditioning and 90-degree temperatures, schools in the New York region shortened days and canceled activities, in what might become a more common pattern.