north sea

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Unions and climate groups call for transition plan for UK North Sea oil workers

Unions and climate groups call for transition plan for UK North Sea oil workers

Amid the decline of North Sea oil, unions and climate groups demand a clear and funded transition plan to protect jobs and communities.

Matthew Taylor, Helena Horton and Jillian Ambrose report for The Guardian.

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North Sea countries lag in aligning drilling policies with climate goals

North Sea countries lag in aligning drilling policies with climate goals

None of the major North Sea oil and gas producers are set to halt drilling early enough to meet the global heating target, a stark discrepancy highlighted by a recent report.

Ajit Niranjan reports for The Guardian.

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North Sea's decaying pipelines: a looming environmental threat

North Sea's decaying pipelines: a looming environmental threat

Scientists warn of potential environmental disaster in the North Sea due to decaying oil and gas pipelines releasing toxic substances.

Rachel Salvidge and Leana Hosea report for The Guardian.

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oil rig

UK minister's oil production talks with BP amid energy crisis

UK's energy and climate minister Graham Stuart consulted with BP on maximizing North Sea oil and gas extraction, highlighting a clash between profit motives and environmental commitments.

Damian Carrington reports for The Guardian.

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north sea oil caroline lucas
Image by wasi1370 from Pixabay

Caroline Lucas: The Tories’ huge new oilfield is a moral obscenity – but Rosebank can still be stopped

Reliance on oil won’t slash our bills: this is a climate crime that will leave our economy more vulnerable.

north sea drilling rishi sunak
Image by Keri Jackson from Pixabay

Here’s the truth about Sunak’s plans for the North Sea: he will sell out the planet to the dirtiest bidders

Despite grave new warnings about the depth of the climate crisis, plutocrats are fighting to keep their profits – and Rishi Sunak is with them, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

In a nutshell:

As environmental scientists and activists fight for the survival of the planet, the fossil fuel and other polluting industries are fiercely battling for their economic interests. Political leaders, like Rishi Sunak in the UK and Donald Trump in the US are making decisions that prioritize short-term economic gains over the urgent need to address climate breakdown. The consequences of these choices could lead to disastrous effects, from the collapse of crucial ocean currents to severe disruptions in global weather patterns and food production. The pollution paradox, where damaging companies wield significant political influence, perpetuates this dangerous course of action, putting the future of humanity at risk.

Key quote:

"The most damaging companies have the greatest incentive to invest money in politics (by making donations to political parties, funding lobbyists and junktanks, hiring troll farms and microtargeters and all the other overt or covert techniques). So politics, in our money-driven system, comes to be dominated by the most damaging companies" writes George Monbiot.

The big picture:

Burning fossil fuels releases harmful pollutants and greenhouse gases, contributing to air pollution, respiratory illnesses, and climate change. The resulting smog and fine particulate matter can lead to heart and lung diseases, while the escalating climate crisis threatens to exacerbate extreme weather events and disrupt ecosystems, impacting food security and public health on a global scale.

Read Monbiot's full commentary at The Guardian.

Hurricanes, algae blooms, rising seas and melting ice. How much more before climate denial fades away, asked former EHN columnist Peter Dykstra in 2018.

europe north sea wind energy climate
Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

North Sea sees potential shift from oil and gas to renewable energies

The offshore wind industry continues to grow as nations look to change Europe’s oil and gas hub into a major source of renewable energy.