Electric vehicles start to enter the car-buying mainstream While sales are still skewed toward affluent buyers, more people are choosing electric vehicles to save money. Electric car sales climb sharply despite shortages A scarcity of semiconductors and raw materials held back production, but buyers remain enthusiastic.
Solutions E.V. buying guide: What to know about models, batteries, charging, and more Buying an electric car can be exciting and bewildering. Consider what kind of car you want and need and where you will charge.
Politics Why Japan is holding back as the world rushes toward electric cars The country’s stance would seem to put it on the wrong side of market trends. But with its huge investment in gasoline-electric hybrids, it has big reasons to proceed slowly.
Politics Electric cars and the lack of charging in cities For city dwellers who would love an E.V., the biggest hurdle might be keeping it juiced up without a garage or other convenient charging stations.